GTM Preserve Dune Overlook

Florida’s Water And Land Legacy Campaign North Central Events July 28 – August 4

Join more than 4,000 individual volunteers and 300 conservation and civic organizations from across the state working to put the Florida Water and Land Conservation Amendment on the November 2014 ballot: North Central Florida Events & Locations July 28 – August 4 Scroll down for your county to see great events locations near you! ALACHUA…

Weird Florida

Weird Florida – Where Facts Are Stranger Than Fiction

Alternet: Every state has something shameful to hide. But Florida is the weirdest state. It’s one thing to go online and look at the latest “Crazy Florida” lists or “Weird Florida” tours. If you Google, “Why is Florida,” before you type in another letter, it fills in, “so crazy,” “so hot,” “so weird.” But joking aside, if you drive south from Alabama and Georgia…

Heat Index Chart

How Hot Is It, Florida? Heat Safety

Heat is one of the leading weather-related killer in the United States, resulting in hundreds of fatalities each year. In the disastrous heat wave of 1980, more than 1,250 people died. In the heat wave of 1995 more than 700 deaths in the Chicago area were attributed to heat, making this the deadliest weather event…

Florida Manatee With Calf

New Clue in Mysterious Manatee Die-Off in Florida

Late last week, a chemist found what might be an important clue in the ongoing mystery surrounding mass animal deaths in Florida’s Indian River Lagoon: Multiple unknown toxins, isolated from algae in the lagoon, that kill mammalian cells. But despite widespread media coverage implying the case is all but closed, the toxins are just one…

Trayvon Rally Jax Fla

Over A Hundred Protest Zimmerman Verdict In Jacksonville Florida

Over a hundred people showed up for a rally and march in Jacksonville, Florida to protest the George Zimmerman not guilty verdict. The peaceful protest began in Hemming Plaza with several speakers, songs, and chants of “Justice for Trayvon.” From there, the demonstrators marched to the Duval County courthouse. The event organizers did not have…