drain pipe outlet

Florida Pollution Enforcement In Paralysis

August 29, 2013 Report From Public Employees For Environmental Responsibility: Cases and Fines Nosedive to Record Low Levels; Penalties Collected Fall 70%. Tallahassee — Enforcement of anti-pollution laws in Florida have plummeted to historic low levels during the second full year of Governor Rick Scott’s tenure, according to agency figures released today by Public Employees…

Key Deer

Help Stop Cervid Importation To Florida

You know it’s probably a bad idea for Florida when the National Rifle Association, Unified Sportsmen Florida, the Humane Society, wildlife veterinarians, conservationists, and environmentalists are against it. After postponing a vote in June, The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission is meeting again in September to vote on the prohibition of cervid (deer) importation…

appalachicola bay

Commerce Secretary Pritzker Declares Fisheries Disaster For Florida Oyster Fishery

The following is the statement from U.S. Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker on August 12, 2013 about a NOAA disaster declaration for the Oyster Fishery along Florida’s west coast: “U.S. Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker today declared a commercial fishery failure for the oyster fishery along the west coast of Florida. The fishery resource disaster…