Weird Florida

Weird Florida – Where Facts Are Stranger Than Fiction

Alternet: Every state has something shameful to hide. But Florida is the weirdest state. It’s one thing to go online and look at the latest “Crazy Florida” lists or “Weird Florida” tours. If you Google, “Why is Florida,” before you type in another letter, it fills in, “so crazy,” “so hot,” “so weird.” But joking aside, if you drive south from Alabama and Georgia…

President Obama Campaigns In Jacksonville

On July 19, 2012, President Obama brought his re-election campaign to the Prime Osborn Convention Center in Jacksonville, Florida. Speaking before a tickets only, limited seating, fired-up crowd in Jacksonville, the President made his case for re-election in an effective campaign speech that can only be described as a celebration of American exceptionalism. While drawing…

Poor Safety And High Costs At Florida Nuclear Plants: Stop The Madness

For nearly a decade, the Florida Legislature, the nuclear industry, and Florida’s Public Service Commission have colluded to force electricity customers to pre-pay for new nuclear plants and repairs to plants that should be shuttered. But rising costs, public outrage, and the exposure of industry con-games may be putting an end to it all. Their…