
Florida Public Service Commission Approves FPL’s Fee For Phantom Nuclear Power

Florida’s Public Service Commission (PSC) today fast-tracked a provision allowing Florida Power and Light to charge customers in advance for nuclear power that may never produce any energy.  Florida’s Advanced Nuclear Cost Recovery law allows the utilities to charge customers, in advance, for nuclear power plants that may never be built. But this time the…

Image: Turket Point Nuclear Power Plant

More Trouble for Nuclear Power

Florida Politic has covered, quite extensively, the fledgling nuclear power industry in Florida. We talked about how the utilities that want to build nuclear power plants cannot guarantee how much they will cost or when they will be completed. Cost estimates for new nuclear power plants continue to rise with no end in sight so…


Stop Florida’s Nuclear Tax And Replace The Public Service Commission

It is time to stop Florida’s nuclear tax and replace the Public Service Commission. On this blog, we have covered the poor safety and high costs of Florida’s nuclear power plants. We explained how Florida’s Turkey Point nuclear plant’s upgrade project was on a “runaway course of its own,” with costs having increased more than…