devastating florida pollution

Shocking: Photo Contest Reveals Devastating Florida Pollution

U.S. Rep. Patrick Murphy (D-Jupiter) organized a Facebook photo contest to capture the state of Florida’s water pollution problem. The photos tell the story: Find out more about these photos and read the story: IB Times: Photo Contest Shows Extent of U.S. Florida’s Water Pollution Problem [PHOTOS] Huffington Post: Devastating Photos Of Florida Pollution Will…

Key Deer

Help Stop Cervid Importation To Florida

You know it’s probably a bad idea for Florida when the National Rifle Association, Unified Sportsmen Florida, the Humane Society, wildlife veterinarians, conservationists, and environmentalists are against it. After postponing a vote in June, The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission is meeting again in September to vote on the prohibition of cervid (deer) importation…


Stop Florida’s Nuclear Tax And Replace The Public Service Commission

It is time to stop Florida’s nuclear tax and replace the Public Service Commission. On this blog, we have covered the poor safety and high costs of Florida’s nuclear power plants. We explained how Florida’s Turkey Point nuclear plant’s upgrade project was on a “runaway course of its own,” with costs having increased more than…

Weird Florida

Weird Florida – Where Facts Are Stranger Than Fiction

Alternet: Every state has something shameful to hide. But Florida is the weirdest state. It’s one thing to go online and look at the latest “Crazy Florida” lists or “Weird Florida” tours. If you Google, “Why is Florida,” before you type in another letter, it fills in, “so crazy,” “so hot,” “so weird.” But joking aside, if you drive south from Alabama and Georgia…

Support The Florida Water And Land Legacy Constitutional Amendment

A proposed Florida constitutional amendment would keep conservation dollars where they should be. The Florida Water and Land Legacy Campaign, a coalition that includes the Trust for Public Land, Audubon Florida, the Florida Wildlife Federation, the Sierra Club, the Nature Conservancy, 1000 Friends of Florida, Defenders of Wildlife and other groups are working to get…