water stress map

Watery Foundation Doubts Surface Water Supply Stress Study

[Watery Foundation. September 25, 2013]: Florida is a place with low “water supply stress”? An ambitious new study tries to score the “surface water supply stress” for the whole country and does not find much water stress for Florida. Even though Florida is not as bad off as portions of the arid West, it still…

appalachicola bay

Commerce Secretary Pritzker Declares Fisheries Disaster For Florida Oyster Fishery

The following is the statement from U.S. Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker on August 12, 2013 about a NOAA disaster declaration for the Oyster Fishery along Florida’s west coast: “U.S. Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker today declared a commercial fishery failure for the oyster fishery along the west coast of Florida. The fishery resource disaster…

nearly 5.5" of rain

Photo Blog – Severe Storms In Ft. Caroline

Like usual, it began raining this afternoon at our home in Ft. Caroline. We have thunderstorms almost every afternoon in our neck of the woods. But today it was different. The sky was nearly black with clouds. The wind began swirling and the rain went from vertical to horizontal. Before long, we were in the…

Heat Index Chart

How Hot Is It, Florida? Heat Safety

Heat is one of the leading weather-related killer in the United States, resulting in hundreds of fatalities each year. In the disastrous heat wave of 1980, more than 1,250 people died. In the heat wave of 1995 more than 700 deaths in the Chicago area were attributed to heat, making this the deadliest weather event…

Continued Flooding In Suwannee County

Florida Politic contributor Milt Hays Jr. visited Suwannee County, Florida recently and took some photos of ongoing flooding in that area… The first photo is of a field off of SR 252. Is was taken on Sunday, July 29, 2012 and the area is indicated by the red star on the below map… The second…