bee on orange blossoms

Are Florida Citrus Growers Killing Bees? Is GMO The Answer?

Last month, The Ledger reported that one of Florida’s largest citrus growers was fined after state investigators found that it illegally sprayed pesticides that “killed millions of honeybees.” Ben Hill Griffin Inc., headquartered in Frostproof, was fined $1,500 in what may be the state’s first case of a citation related to a bee kill. At…

devastating florida pollution

Shocking: Photo Contest Reveals Devastating Florida Pollution

U.S. Rep. Patrick Murphy (D-Jupiter) organized a Facebook photo contest to capture the state of Florida’s water pollution problem. The photos tell the story: Find out more about these photos and read the story: IB Times: Photo Contest Shows Extent of U.S. Florida’s Water Pollution Problem [PHOTOS] Huffington Post: Devastating Photos Of Florida Pollution Will…


Florida Public Service Commission Approves FPL’s Fee For Phantom Nuclear Power

Florida’s Public Service Commission (PSC) today fast-tracked a provision allowing Florida Power and Light to charge customers in advance for nuclear power that may never produce any energy.  Florida’s Advanced Nuclear Cost Recovery law allows the utilities to charge customers, in advance, for nuclear power plants that may never be built. But this time the…

Image: Turket Point Nuclear Power Plant

More Trouble for Nuclear Power

Florida Politic has covered, quite extensively, the fledgling nuclear power industry in Florida. We talked about how the utilities that want to build nuclear power plants cannot guarantee how much they will cost or when they will be completed. Cost estimates for new nuclear power plants continue to rise with no end in sight so…

Bob Graham Signs The Petition

Florida Supreme Court Approves Water and Land Conservation Amendment

[Florida Conservation Coalition, September 26, 2013] TALLAHASSEE, Fla. – The campaign to place the Water and Land Conservation constitutional amendment onto the November 2014 ballot cleared a major hurdle today when the Florida Supreme Court agreed that it satisfies legal requirements for placement on the ballot. The Water and Land Conservation amendment is the first…

florida alligator

Florida’s Water And Land Legacy Campaign – North Central Florida Events & Locations Sep 16-Sep 22

There are only a few weeks left to get enough certified signatures to get this amendment on the 2014 ballot so Florida voters can decide on “protecting our beaches, springs, wildlife habitat and other natural areas for future generations.” It is very easy to get the petition for The Florida Water and Land Conservation Amendment.…

drain pipe outlet

Florida Pollution Enforcement In Paralysis

August 29, 2013 Report From Public Employees For Environmental Responsibility: Cases and Fines Nosedive to Record Low Levels; Penalties Collected Fall 70%. Tallahassee — Enforcement of anti-pollution laws in Florida have plummeted to historic low levels during the second full year of Governor Rick Scott’s tenure, according to agency figures released today by Public Employees…