florida scrub

Podcast – Interview With Pegeen Hanrahan – Florida’s Water And Land Legacy Campaign

As guest host on the radio show Down to Business Andy Johnson, I had the pleasure of speaking with Pegeen Hanrahan. We talked about Florida’s Water And Land Legacy Campaign. Click Here To Listen To The Podcast On Archive Jim Weeks Down to Business Andy Johnson air weekdays from 2 – 6pm on WZNZ AM…

nearly 5.5" of rain

Photo Blog – Severe Storms In Ft. Caroline

Like usual, it began raining this afternoon at our home in Ft. Caroline. We have thunderstorms almost every afternoon in our neck of the woods. But today it was different. The sky was nearly black with clouds. The wind began swirling and the rain went from vertical to horizontal. Before long, we were in the…

Rick Scott & Tony Bennett - photo from tampabay.com

Charter school scandal leads to resignation of Florida schools chief Tony Bennett

Maddow Blog (photo from tampabay.com): Maddow talked on Tuesday about a rather shocking scandal out of Indiana, where the former schools chief Tony Bennett allegedly manipulated state standards to boost a charter school operated by a major Republican donor — a donor who happened to contribute $130,000 to Bennett directly. Bennett was rejected by Indiana…